We provide legal advice on employer labor matters, with the aim of anticipating any contingency in this area, which may have an impact on the business.

Our labor services are presented under two essential schemes, but different from each other; the first, focused exclusively on assistance, instruction and legal defense in labor lawsuits and, the second, in addition to defense in labor lawsuits, includes legal advice, training, audits, assistance in registering and terminating employees, holding of agreements out of court, trade union negotiations, attention to complaints before the Federal Attorney General’s Office (PROFEDET), attention to ordinary and extraordinary inspections ordered by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS), among others.

At this stage we review and analyze in detail all the documentation inherent to the employees and service providers, the result of which will allow us to detect the absences, irregularities and deficiencies that are being incurred and that may result in a high impact economic contingency for the company.

With the result of the audit, we proceed to prepare and correct the necessary documentation to avoid future economic contingencies.

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